How You Can Uncover a Profitable Niche Market
Released on = March 12, 2006, 10:13 pm
Press Release Author =
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Step by step how to uncover a niche market that represents an opportunity for on going profits online.
Press Release Body = Ok so you know you need to find a niche market, but how on earth do you do that? With so many niches out there, where do you start?
Ok firstly your going to need to go to your computer and open two windows:
1. 2.
What we are looking for and what we really mean by a niche market is a market that has a relatively low number of pages already listed in the search engines. This figure represents supply or \'competition\' for this niche. What we also need a niche to have in order for us to be able to profit from it is a relatively high number of \'demand\' or people already searching for this niche.
As in basic economics a high demand and low supply creates value. So, if we can find a niche (meaning a keyword) with these qualities then we stand to profit from it.
To find this information you can look to Google to find the results pages and Overture Keyword Selector to find the number of searches the word has per month.
Ok, so how do we know what is high demand and low supply? Great question! Once you start to have a look around you will get a feel for what is a lot of searches and what is a low number of results pages.
Different people have different definitions in terms of numbers of what is a niche market and what isn\'t. Generally if you can find a word that has over 10 000 searches per month and 2 million or less results pages in Google. You will have a pretty solid Niche.
To give you an idea to get you started here\'s an example:
Software: 732 075 searches : 5 500 000 000 results pages This is a BIG market. High search volume and High competition
Internet Marketing Online: 16 000 searches : 358 000 000 results pages This is a COMPETITIVE market. Low search volume relative to competition
Pug Dog: 10 000 searches : 5 000 000 results pages This is a NICHE Market. High search volume relative to competition.
I hope you can see now what I mean by Niche Market.
By Andrew Hansen
Web Site =
Contact Details = Andrew Hansen 19 Chopin Court Nerang Bundaberg , 4556 $$country
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